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Year 1

Spring Term Curriculum

How can you help at home?

Reading is so important at this age, we would really appreciate if you would read with your child as often as possible; we recommend 10 minutes every day. Your child will be given a reading book to bring home which is matched to the level they are working in for phonics. This needs to be brought into school every day. You will also find a reading diary which we ask if you would please write in, every time you read with your child.

Oxford Owl

Children are set reading books and quizzes which they can read online. Each child has their own username and password which can be found in their reading diary.

Please use the link below to log in to Oxford Owl:



We use the Read, Write Inc phonics scheme to teach children to read. Children are taught sounds and how to use them to read words then sentences and stories. During the summer term, Year 1 children have a phonics screening check to assess how well they can use the sounds they know to read a range of real and nonsense words.

read write inc

You can find some useful links to information below:

PSC Parent Handout 2023
Listening to your child read - Parent Meeting Handout 2023
PSC Parent Meeting 2023

Useful Websites

Phonics, Reading and Writing

Oxford Owl
Phonics Play
BBC Bitesize
Phonics Games
Teach your Monster to Read


ICT Games
Maths Zone

1 minute maths activities

Contact Us

Lowther Road, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH8 8LU

T: 01202 291227