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 Spring Term Curriculum

A typical day in Nursery

Morning session 8.45-11.45

8.45-9 Children arrive in nursery, saying goodbye to their adult at the outside door. They develop their independence skills by putting away their things.

They find their self registration card and place it in their group area.

9.10-9.15 Whole carpet

All children gather to say hello and take part a dance, yoga to get them ready for their learning.

9.15-9.30 Key group time

Children go to their key groups for maths. Here they will say hello to the group, say how they are feeling, count how many children are here, look to see what the weather is like and complete a short maths activity.

9.30-10.15 Let’s explore

This is our continuous provision time. Children have the option of being indoors or outside. They can change where they are as we have access to both areas all the time. During this time adults might work 1:1 on a planned activity or be engaging in the children’s play through modelling and questioning.

10.15-10.30 snack time

This is our social time where we sit at tables and have fruit, milk or water. Children help pour drinks from the jug. During this time we will talk about what we have been doing in nursery and our project.

10.30-11.15 Let’s explore

11.15-11.30 Key group time

During this time the children will have a story or phonics activity. As a school we follow Read, Write, Inc

10.30-11.45 Songs

We have core songs which we learn in nursery but we will also have a song of the week which will link to our project work where possible. The children who are in for the morning will start preparing to go home.

11.30-12.15 Lunch

Children who are in all day have lunch. They can order and pay for a school hot dinner or bring in a lunch box. All food is eaten in the nursery.

Afternoon session 12.15-3.15

The afternoon follows the same routine as the morning. Children who are in all day are extended in their activities from the morning.

12.30-12.45 Key group time

Children go to their key groups for maths. Here they will say hello to the group, say how they are feeling, count how many children are here, look to see what the weather is like and complete a short maths activity.

12.45-1.30 Let’s explore

This is our continuous provision time. Children have the option of being indoors or outside. They can change where they are as we have access to both areas all the time. During this time adults might work 1:1 on a planned activity or be engaging in the children’s play through modelling and questioning.

1.30-1.45 Snack time

This is our social time where we sit at tables and have fruit, milk or water. Children help pour drinks from the jug. During this time we will talk about what we have been doing in nursery and our project.

1.45-2.45 Let’s explore

2.45-3 Key group time

3-3.15 songs and getting ready for home

During this time the children will have a story or phonics activity. As a school we follow Read, Write, Inc


Sessions and costs

We are able to offer the following sessions, subject to availability:

  • Mornings 8.45-11.45 (3 hours)
  • Afternoons 12.15-15.15 (3 hours)
  • All day 8.45-15.15 (6.5 hours)

15 hour funding

All children are entitled to 15 hours of funding the term after they turn 3.

You must complete the Early Education funding form.

30 hour funding

If you believe you are entitled to 30 hours free childcare, please apply through HMRC:

You must also complete the Early Education Funding form and include your eligibility code and national insurance No.

  • Please note it is advised you apply for the 30 hour code at least one month before your child is due to start nursery. Term start dates for funding are 1st September, 1st January and 1st April. If you do not apply for the code before the start of term you will be unable to use it until the following term.
  • Please note that you must log onto the gov site to re-confirm your eligiability every 3 months in order to keep you code valid.

Moving settings

If your child is already attending a preschool/nursery setting elsewhere, it is a requirement you provide 4 weeks notice to that seeting prior to your child leaving. If you don’t then your funding with us could be affected and you pay have to pay a charge.

Cost of sessions

If you wish your child to attend additional sessions over and above your funding entitlement, morning or afternoon sessions can be purchased as follows:

  • Morning session 8.45-11.45 £16 per session
  • Afternoon session 12.15-15.15 £16 per session
  • Lunchtime for those who are in all day 11.45-12.15 £4 per lunchtime (please note this does not include lunch)
  • Hot lunch £2.65 please order from the main office


Nursery Team

Nursery leader- Mrs Hayes

Mrs Hayes and Mrs Keevil are the class teachers of nursery.

If you have any questions which your child’s key worker is unable to assist you with please arrange to speak to Mrs Hayes or Mrs Keevil. 

Key workers

Mrs Bates is the key worker for purple group.

Ms Jenkins is a teaching assistant. She is the key worker for Blue Group. 

Mrs Stocker is a teaching assistant. She is the key worker for Red Group. Mrs Stocker is in Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri


Key information for parents and carers


Snacks are provided and a choice of water or milk.

We are unable to heat up any food or store any of children’s lunches in the fridge. Please make sure an ice pack or food is in a thermos to keep food at the correct temperature.

Please bring in a named water bottles so the children have access to a drink at all times.

Toilet training

We would expect that your child will be toilet trained and out of nappies.

We understand that children might still need some support with this still. Please ensure your child has spare clothes: pants, socks, trousers, t.shirt


We encourage all children to wear the nursery uniform which is practical for all nursery activities and promotes independence using the toilet.

Our uniform consists of: black jogging bottoms or trousers which are easy to pull up and down.

Red polo shirt, red jumper. The school red jumper is available to order.

Trainers or sensible shoes ideally without laces so these can be put on and off independently.

Wellies for woodland and rain

A waterproof coat.

All clothing needs to be named otherwise it is very hard to return.


Tapestry is our online learning journal. Within the first week of starting you will receive an email with an activation link. This will show you some of the activities your child is doing in nursery, some of the things they are achieving. Please look at these with your child and talk about the things they have been doing.



Early Years Vision

In the Early Years at Malmesbury Park we believe in providing children with a safe, supportive and structured play-based environment where children flourish. We are a welcoming inclusive setting which celebrates the diversity and differences in our children.

Learning should be fun and we strongly believe in a ‘hands-on’ approach, valuing the importance of the outdoor environment to develop children’s thinking and problem solving skills.

We believe that every child is unique and should be treated so allowing them the opportunity to develop and learn in an engaging environment where play and learning go hand in hand.

We strive to equip children with a love of learning through well planned, high-quality play opportunities in order for children to develop a natural curiosity regardless of their ability.

We are committed to giving our children the best possible start to their school life, teaching them skills which ensure their well-being now and are equipped to be successful learners in the future.

Early Years is about:

  • Inclusivity
  • Quality first teaching
  • High quality learning
  • Play based activities
  • Fun
  • Hands on experiences
  • Risk-taking
  • A supportive environment
  • Nurture
  • Discovery

At Malmesbury Park, we will:

  • Encourage the buzz of happy children absorbed in their learning.
  • Nurture our children in the security and warmth of our learning environment.
  • Ensure all children experience the awe and wonder of learning through discovery and multi-sensory play based activities.
  • Extend learning from the classroom to first hand experiences in the outdoor environment and the wider community.
  • Instill confidence in our children in order to try new things, take risks and move their learning forward.
  • Observe happy and confident learners exploring, investigating, discovering and problem solving in a supportive and empowering learning environment.
  • Ensure the needs, next steps, learning styles, strengths and interests of the children feed into the planning.
  • Expect exemplary behaviour our children display as they play, interact and move independently around the classroom and school.
  • Develop strong and supportive relationships between adults and children as they listen, converse and play together.
  • Play alongside children; modelling, scaffolding and challenging the children as they play and learn.
  • Celebrate and value the unique talents, experiences and skills each individual brings to our school.

In Nursery we share stories every day and sing songs. Below is a list of our core stories and songs which we expect children to be secure in knowing by the time they leave Nursery.

Core books

  1. The very hungry caterpillar
  2. Each, Peach, Pear Plum
  3. Where's spot?
  4. Hug
  5. Dear Zoo
  6. Aaaarggghh Spider!
  7. You Choose
  8. We're Going on  Bear Hunt
  9. Hairy Maclary from Donaldson's Dairy
  10. Papa Penguin
  11. What the Ladybird Heard
  12. Little Monkey
  13. The colour Monster
  14. The Cat and the Rat
  15. No! said Rabbit
  16. Knuffle Bunny
  17. A Great big Cuddle

Core nursery rhymes

  1. Incy Wincy Spider
  2. Row, Row, Row your boat
  3. I had a little turtle
  4. 5 Little Ducks went swimming one day
  5. The Wheels on the Bus
  6. Hickory Dickory Dock
  7. 5 little monkeys jumping on the bed
  8. Head, shoulders, knees and toes
  9. Twinkle, twinkle little star
  10. Old McDonald had a farm

Curriculum map


Home Learning 

We send home books each week. Please bring them back in on Tuesday when a new book will be chosen by your child.

- At home look at the title of the book.

- Talk about what is happening in the pictures. Are there objects you can count together?

-How are the people in the story feeling.

-Did you like the story? What did you like or didn't like about it?

-Once the story has been shared a few times can your child join in with key phrases?

-Can they use the pictures to retell the story to you?

Every Half term we send home targets to work on in preparation for starting school.


Additional Links

1 minute maths activities

Contact Us

Lowther Road, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH8 8LU

T: 01202 291227