Malmesbury Park is proud to be an inclusive school. We strive to ensure that every child's needs are known individually and catered for.
For children with special educational needs and/or disabilities, we believe that early intervention is key to ensure that ‘closing the gap’ strategies are employed to allow children to catch up with their peer group.
We enjoy working closely with parents and carers and access a wide range of outside agencies to enable all staff to make the best possible provision.
We are privileged to have a Local Authority based provision that is based here. There is the RIGGs Unit for children with Social Communication and Speech and language difficulties, including Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Provision is funded by the local authority and children are placed by the SEND team at the town hall.
If you have any questions about Special Educational Needs at our school, please don't hesitate to get in touch. The Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator for Malmesbury Park Primary Academy is Mrs. Lexi Purse. She can be contacted by either sending an email to the [email protected] or phone the office on 01202 291227 to ask to speak to her.
SEND code of practice: 0 to 25 years - GOV.UK (
SEND: guide for parents and carers - GOV.UK (
Useful links:
Special Educational Needs and Disability, BCP Council
BCP Council - Schools and Learning SEND
Parent Carer Foundation (
Welcome to CDC | Council For Disabled Children
The Dyslexia-SpLD Trust - Home (